Moving Planner: Four Weeks before the Move

Got enough boxes?

With only four more weeks before your move, you should still be scouring those liquor stores and grocery stores for boxes.

Or better yet, simply purchase nice new boxes from a supplier, like one recommended on our Moving Boxes page. But since you have probably gotten all the boxes when we recommended at weeks eight and six, you’re already ahead of the game!

We’re gaining ground! – More on rarely used items.

Now that you still have four weeks before your move, all of those rarely used items should be boxed and packed away. And as you’re doing it, don’t forget that you can save yourself both time and money by donating those unnecessary but still useful goods to a local charity.

I’m taking it with me! – Things to take with you

Now is the time to start thinking about what will make the journey either with you in your car, or on your person if you’re flying. You still have four weeks before your move to plan this, so take your time and think about it very carefully. If you’re driving, you don’t want to forget anything, but you also don’t want to have your car packed to overflowing. Our recommendations include high value items such as jewelry, coin and stamp collections, as well as any personal items which hold great sentimental value. If you’re traveling internationally, you will obviously also need all of your airline paperwork as well as your passport. Some examples of important papers you might want to carry with you are: birth certificates, school records, mover estimates, new job contacts, utility company numbers, recent bank records, current bills, phone lists, closing papers, realtor info, and maps. This is also a good time to check to make sure that you still have a sufficient amount of time on your passport before it expires.

Money Money Money! – Changing Banks

If it is not too inconvenient, you should try to set up a new bank account at a financial institution in the area that you’re moving to at least four weeks before the move. This will probably save you a lot of aggravation in the days following the move, at a time when none of us want to deal with financial things. If you wish to stay with the same financial institution, it is usually very easy to simply have your accounts transferred to a different branch within the same company. Or if you think it’s time to try something new, you might want to take a look at our list of banks and credit unions. And don’t forget that you’re going to need to have a method of paying your mover immediately after they finish the move. See our Moving Day page for more information on that

But Officer, I was sure that … – Licensing Requirements

If you’re going to relocate to an area for an extended period of time, all provinces and states require that you change your motor vehicle licensing over to their jurisdiction. The amount of time allowable for this varies from a few weeks to a few months, so be sure to start your research about this at least four weeks before your move. We’ve put together a list of some of the licensing requirements for various provinces here, but be certain to confirm everything for yourself. If you’re taking your car, you will also be required to get either new provincial or state plates at some point, and you might want to get your international driver’s license. This is a relatively painless task that only involves a five-minute trip to a CAA office. If you’re traveling from Canada to America, or vice versa, you should probably take a look at our links to the various international regulations that you will be facing.

But we CAN’T get rid of… – Storage

At least four weeks before your move you should be speaking with storage agents if you’re going to be leaving things in either long or short term storage. You may need a place to store your entire household while your new home is being built, or you may be moving into a smaller home and need temporary storage for items before you decide what to do with them. But whatever your storage needs, be certain to give yourself at least four weeks before the move to find the best combination of price and location. If you’re moving with a moving company, almost all of them will have storage space which can be made available to you. Your mover will undoubtedly be very happy to discuss this option with you. You should probably also take a look at our storage pages.

Layout your new home

If you still have any energy left after finishing all of our other suggestions, then remember that you only have four weeks until your move to decide about the furniture layout of your new home. If you can have this accomplished prior to moving in, you can save both yourself and the movers a lot of time and aggravation. Most moving companies are willing to move your furniture and other large objects to precisely where you direct them. If you are able to direct everything to the final position as soon as it goes in, then you will save yourself a considerable amount of rearranging time later. So be certain to have a plan made up, and try to start it while you still have at least four weeks before your move.

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