
Extraordinary Value Items: Packing and Moving Fur, Fur Coats, Leather Fur

Moving extraordinary value items presents the extraordinary challenge of careful preparation and planning. This is especially true for items made of fur such as fur rugs, fur coats and other garments made of leather and fur.

In order to preserve the extraordinary value of your fur and leather fur items you should trust their packing, storage and transport to professionals who know and understand how to care for such items.

You need to know that your fur and fur leather items are sensitive to extremes of heat or cold, humidity and damage from crushing. Good moving and storing practices will increase the life of your fur and fur leather garments as well as help to maintain their value and beauty.

Furs and leather fur garments should never be stored, even temporarily, in plastic garment bags. A reputable mover will move your fur and leather fur garments in a garment crate where the items can hang properly by the shoulders from a hanger.

It is beneficial to your fur and leather fur garments if the moving van is a temperature and humidity controlled environment.

Be sure to ask your mover whether he/she is experienced with moving items of extraordinary value like your fur and leather fur items.

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